The human, material, cultural, social and other damages due to events that may occur due to the lack of a security system can be incalculable. Examples are the cases of fires that occurred in the Joelma and Andraus buildings in São Paulo and, more recently, the disaster that occurred at the Kiss nightclub in the city of Santa Maria in Rio Grande do Sul. Not only these fire accidents, but many others that are not made public could be avoided if safety rules were obeyed, a thorough risk analysis was carried out and the equipment, processes and construction projects had a more rigorous concern in this regard. A tool that can assist in interior projects in order to reduce the risk of fires, explosions, toxic gas poisoning, asphyxiation, among others is Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). Through the CFD it is possible to perform computer simulations in order to analyze real situations to improve work and leisure places in order to reduce risks and avoid any disastrous situation. An example would be to simulate a gas leak that may occur at a specific location in an industry. With the results of this simulation it is possible to define suitable hood locations to decrease the concentration of the gas inside.
There are several applications of 3D computer simulations for performance gains.
Among the applications, we can highlight:
Explosion analysis, for better barrier efficiency.
Leakage route analysis to reduce leakage time.
Analysis of dispersion of gases and liquids inside environments, for better efficiency of contingency systems.

Simulation to improve flame-cutting wall efficiency.
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CFD Simulation – Methods and Applications
Despite being a cutting edge technology that is still not well known in Brazil, we
Sanitation: 3D Computational Simulation applied to the treatment of water phases.
The water treatment through the conventional process goes through several phases and each one requires